Three Ways Leaders Must Communicate Vision

If you have not gotten tired of speaking about your team’s mission, the team does not yet know it. If you have not articulated the current vision over and over again, the team vaguely knows what is important. Most leaders fail to understand how long it takes for organizational direction to be understood and embraced. […]

You Are Wasting Your Weekly Staff Meeting If…

Most people struggle with meetings, unless they are leading them—and they think those are awesome! The truth is that meetings are important. Without meetings, teams can move in a plethora of directions, communication gaps can grow, and execution can suffer. But weekly meetings, if not led well, can be an absolute waste of time. And […]

Five Ways to Critique Without Crushing

As a leader, you owe it to those you lead to offer them feedback. Without feedback, development is hampered, as people don’t know what actions to repeat and what actions to tweak. Giving encouragement and accolades is not something leaders dread, but offering feedback that could be perceived as critical is something many leaders struggle […]

Seven Practices of a Listening Leader

Wise leaders listen. As the Proverbs teach us, “Plans fail when there is no counsel, but with many advisers they succeed” (Proverbs 15:22). Earlier this week I shared four warning signs that indicate you may not be listening to your team. It is poor leadership not to listen to those on your team. They are closer […]

Four Warning Signs You Are Not Listening to Your Team

Wise leaders listen to the people they lead. They recognize they are finite in their knowledge and wisdom, don’t have all the answers, and benefit from the minds of those they serve alongside. It is foolish to not listen to those on your team. Not only do you lose the benefit of their collective wisdom […]

Four Ways to Express Love to the People You Lead

Gary Chapman’s book The Five Love Languages has been a helpful resource to many couples. He challenges spouses to learn each other’s love language—how one most feels loved, pursued, and valued—whether through time, words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts, or touch. When Kaye, my wife, jokingly insists that she has all five languages, I […]

You’re Not a Leader If You Never Say You’re Sorry

You are not a good leader if you never tell people you are sorry. There are a myriad of issues in the heart of a leader who never apologizes. If you never apologize, at least one of the following is also true: You reveal you think you are infallible. If you never apologize, if you […]

5 Ways to Say “Thanks” as a Leader (without a pay increase)

The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between the two, the leader must become a servant and a debtor. ~ Max Depree Leaders must define reality, create urgency, and guide teams in a direction. But leaders must also say, “thank you.” They must continually express […]

4 Words Leaders Must Say on a Regular Basis

Leaders are always communicating, even when they are not talking. But what words must a leader say on a regular basis? Here are four words leaders must use, not merely every now and then but continually. Over and over again. 1. Why Wise leaders constantly ask “why” and continually communicate the “why.” Wise leaders communicate […]

7 Basics for Better Staff Meetings

Though it is common to lament staff meetings, to take jabs at their usefulness, and to breathe a sigh of relief when they are canceled, the reality is that staff meetings are essential. Teams must communicate. Without effective staff meetings, over time, people and teams will move in a plethora of directions. I have been […]