5 Warning Signs That Laziness Is Creeping into Your Leadership

The people of God have always understood laziness to be a sin because laziness fails to appreciate the gift and blessing of work and fails to make the most of the time we have been graciously given. We are commanded to be wise and to make the most of the time (Ephesians 5:15-16). Squandering time […]

3 Reasons Leaders Must Seek Accountability

Leaders can be tempted to isolate themselves, to pull themselves away from the burden of leadership and from people who can be the source of pain, disappointment, and criticism. But the moments we are tempted to run from accountability are the moments we must run toward it. The moments we feel we do not need […]

3 Reasons Cuckoo Clock Leadership Is Ridiculous

You have likely seen a cuckoo clock. Every hour a wooden bird emerges and cuckoos to signify a new hour has begun. The bird then quickly retreats to his home and remains unseen until he emerges once again to announce a new time. Some leaders attempt to lead in such a fashion. They emerge at […]

3 Leadership Reminders from Watching Kaye as a Mother

I have been married to Kaye for twenty years and have watched her as a mother for nearly ten. She is incredible at both. I am extremely blessed, and everyone who knows us knows it. I often hear comments like, “Bro, you outkicked your punt coverage,” or “Eric, you know how lucky you are, right?” […]

5 Indicators You Are an Isolated Leader

An isolated leader is a dangerous leader. An isolated leader won’t receive care and encouragement to continue leading, won’t receive necessary confrontation, will limit learning, and will lead in a way that is divorced from the people and from reality. How do you know if you are isolated leader? Here are five indications: 1. If […]

6 Reasons Isolated Leaders Are Dangerous Leaders

An isolated leader is a dangerous leader. The sting of criticism, the burden of the responsibilities, and the pace of leadership can nudge a leader towards isolation, but every step towards isolation is a step towards danger. Sadly, many leaders move towards isolation. They have taken the cliché “it’s lonely at the top” as justification […]

Stop Being a Cruel Leader

There is a type of leadership that is pseudo-compassionate and pseudo-caring. In other words, this type of leadership gives only the perception of being compassionate and caring, but the reality is that this type of leadership is neither. The type of leadership to which I am referring is leadership without feedback. Leadership without feedback may […]

The Importance of Falling Fast

When I lived in Cincinnati, I learned how to snow ski. Well, kind of. I am definitely not a great snow skier, not the guy who is boldly slashing through double black diamond courses (the most difficult), but I enjoyed skiing with Kaye and with friends. I fell a lot of times but never was […]

Jerry Seinfeld and 3 Reminders About Leadership

Picture from Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee

I recently listened to Daniel McGinn’s interview with Jerry Seinfeld on the HBR Ideacast (also published in the January/February issue of Harvard Business Review). In the interview, Jerry Seinfeld talked about how nine years was a magical number in terms of the length of the wildly popular Seinfeld show. He did not want to lose the […]

Jim Collins, David, and How the Mighty Fall

One of the most popular business books in recent decades is Good to Great by Jim Collins. For a season, it was a must read for leaders and teams. Leaders continually referenced phrases from the book in attempts to teach lessons from the book or, in some cases, show off their biz chops and prowess. […]