The Four Disciplines of Getting Things Done – Part One

A great strategy without execution is merely wishful thinking, a dream on paper that is never translated into real life. I have found that many leaders, organizations, and ministries struggle with execution, with actually getting things done. The book Four Disciplines of Execution has provided a sticky mental framework for me on leading teams to […]

We Can’t Keep Our Vows

Like a movie that leaves you with an unsettled conclusion and unanswered questions, the book of Nehemiah concludes abruptly and sadly. As exciting as the book of Nehemiah is with the rebuilding of the wall and the public confession of sin by God’s people, the book leaves the reader craving more, longing for a new […]

Stories and Heroes

Two weeks ago, Matt Chandler, Josh Patterson, and I led a time of teaching and discussion centered around our new book Creature of the Word. We challenged leaders to center their churches, not merely their confessions, on Jesus. One of the questions from the audience revolved around analyzing and changing the culture of a church. […]

Culture Trumps Everything

Martin Luther referred to the gospel as “this article.” He said, “Most necessary is that we know this article well, teach it to others, and beat it into their heads continually.” Luther knew that we have this proclivity to wander from our foundation. Thus we must constantly and continually beat the gospel into our hearts […]

Participation, Not Association

When I fly on an airplane, I am associated with the people next to me. We are in close proximity to each other. We are on the same flight, experience the same bumps, the same views, and the same food. But despite having the same experience and being next to one another, we are not […]

You Are Only as Strong as Your Foundation

Your ability to stand strong is based completely on the strength of what you are standing upon. My daughters make me nervous when they climb on top of something that is not sturdy, something that will give out and cause them to fall. Standing is really not about our ability but the strength of what […]

Giving and Ownership

While Kaye and I searched for a church home in the Nashville area, we still gave to our former church in Miami. Throughout this process, the truth that your heart follows your giving was affirmed for me. Or as Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Because we were still […]

Apple Cannot Deliver

I am a fan of Apple. I run with an iPod, am writing this on an iMac, talk on an iPhone, and listen to music on iTunes. I love their discipline and relentless focus, their simplicity, and their excellent products. They are known for delivering on their promises. But with all the connectivity they promise, […]

Apology to the Replacement Refs…

After Green Bay lost Monday night on this incredibly inaccurate call (one ref signaling an interception while the other signaled a touchdown), sports fans and pundits began to demand change and an apology from the NFL Commissioner to fans, teams, players, and coaches. While I feel badly for all of the above, I feel worse […]

Two Sign Guys

When I am waiting at a red light where an “advertising sign guy/gal” is stationed, I tend to take notice of the person’s intensity and enthusiasm. At times I see a person really engaged in his role. He is flipping the sign, dancing, waving, and drawing attention to the location of the store that hired […]