The Bride Created

As believers in Christ, we are the bride of Christ. When Jesus assured His disciples that He was going to prepare a place for them (John 14:2-3), He was using the language of a bridegroom preparing for the marriage. When the apostle Paul challenged men to love their wives, he pointed to the ultimate and […]

Remember You Are His Bride

As you live, remember you are the pure and forgiven bride of Christ. Remembering your identity as a pure bride should lead you to live pure and blameless. Purity is your new identity. To live impure is to not live the reality of who you really are. To live impure is to revert to your […]

The Bride of Christ

Unless you have dozed off at every wedding you attended, you have heard the famous passage about God making two people one. When God first set the foundation for marriage in the book of Genesis, He said that two people will become one flesh (Gen. 2:24). God is describing the depth of a relationship where […]