2 Things We Must Do Because the Bible Calls us Sheep

Our dog Roscoe sometimes wanders away from home, but thankfully he is smart enough to come back home or even smarter to go to Brian and Marianna’s home – friends of ours who live on the next street. Roscoe likely prefers their home to ours because when they watch him for sometimes, they feed him […]

5 Ways to Display Self-Control

Below is a guest blog from Chip Henderson. Chip serves as senior pastor of Pinelake Church in Brandon, Mississippi. The Lord has done and is doing a great work at Pinelake. Chip is also the author of two LifeWay studies, Samson and Pressure Points (studies from James). Both are great for groups and classes. Samson’s […]

Spirit-Filled Leaders Are Better Leaders

In his popular books Emotional Intelligence and Primal Leadership, researcher and author Daniel Goleman writes that the most effective leaders are emotionally intelligent. More than a high IQ (intelligence quotient), great leaders have a high EQ (emotional quotient). Because these leaders are emotionally intelligent, they are able to create environments and cultures that are highly […]