Because Your Job Is Changing, You Should Do These Five Things…

I shared last week that your job is likely changing. If your context, industry, or organization is changing, your job is changing. It is difficult to plan for the future because we don’t know it, but we can prepare for it. As jobs are continually changing. what should we do to ensure we are prepared […]

The Only Place and Time Your Job Won’t Be Changing

In January Elon Musk sent an email to employees letting them know of the challenging days ahead for Tesla. In the midst of a year in which they “made their first meaningful profit in the fifteen years since they created Tesla,” they would be (a) laying off 7% of their workforce and (b) increasing production because […]

Urban Meyer, Oswald Sanders, and the Pain Leadership Can Bring Your Family

Urban Meyer coached his last game for the Ohio State Buckeyes on New Year’s Day. He is respected as one of the greatest coaches in the game, having won multiple national championships with two teams. Because he is only 54, which he admits is relatively young, he is definitely walking away from the profession earlier […]

When to Lead as a Farmer and When to Lead as a Hunter

Farmers and hunters both spend their days working for food they will eat, but how they get their food is very different. Hunters search for food that they will soon eat. They eat what they kill today. Farmers plan, plant, watch over, and harvest at the appropriate time. Their work today shows up months later. […]

The Best “Going Off to College” Counsel I Have Heard

The summer before going off to college was, for me, filled with great hope and expectation. A fresh start, an opportunity to prove I could handle the responsibility, the chance to choose courses I wanted to study, make new friends, and look to have an impact on the world around me. All of that was […]

2 Possible Outcomes of Being Overwhelmed

I have encouraged leaders to look for seasons of being overwhelmed, to disregard the cliché “don’t bite off more than you can chew” and intentionally take on more than you thought you could handle so you will be forced to learn and grow. In their newest book, The Power of Moments, Chip and Dan Heath […]

The Importance of Being “a Finisher”

Cal Newport, the author of Deep Work, has invested years studying the habits of successful people, and he believes the most common trait in successful people is their compulsion with completion. They are finishers. They may finish in different ways, depending on their personality or approach to work, but they are committed to finishing. He […]

What You Can Look Forward to on the Other Side of Being Overwhelmed

The cliché: “Don’t bite off more than you can chew” is unhelpful because it is good for a leader’s development to occasionally do so. The same is true with lifting weights. If you want your muscles to grow, you must lift heavier weight, and put your muscles under stress and pressure. If you lift the […]

3 Things You Are Really Saying When You Bash Your Predecessor

If leadership is primarily about change, transformation, and the future, as many have advocated, then leaders are always change-oriented. And change always entails creating some dissatisfaction with the status quo. But wisely and skillfully creating dissatisfaction with the status quo is very different than subtly or overtly trashing and bashing the leaders who led before […]

Leadership in the Beginning: Watching Over and Working

With all the abuses we have seen by leaders, it can be tempting to reject leadership. But leadership was not always tainted by sin. God gave leadership to humanity before sin corrupted and tainted everything. We should abhor the sin that corrupts leadership, not the principle of leadership or God’s design for it. Leadership existed […]