One Leader on 5 Traits to Look for When Hiring/Promoting
There are many helpful hiring frameworks, tools that help a leader find the right people. For a long time, I (and many others) have used a version of the four C’s: Character, Competence, Chemistry, and Capacity. I enjoy reading and learning from what other leaders look for when they bring people onto their teams. In […]
4 Ways to Recognize the Drift from Confidence to Cockiness
While you have likely heard that there is a fine line between confidence and cockiness, the two are miles apart. Confidence and cockiness originate from very different places. For the Christian, confidence flows from humility, from knowing you are fully approved and qualified because of Christ and not because of your own merit. Cockiness comes […]
3 Indications of Really Bad Leadership
While David was the king who was a man after God’s own heart, his predecessor was a king after the people’s heart. God’s people, living in the land the Lord had graciously given them, wanted a king because every other nation had a king. They rejected God as their true King to trade Him for […]
3 Types of Problems Leaders Face
John Maxwell has noted, “There is a difference between problem solving and problem spotting.” While we need people around us to point out problems, we benefit for them being on the solution side of the problem and not merely ones who make it their mission to uncover problems for other people to solve. People who […]
3 Mistakes Leaders Make as Soon as They Wake Up
How a leader begins the day impacts the entire day. If a leader begins a day in chaos, the entire day will likely be chaotic. If a leader begins the day without looking to the Lord, the day will likely be lived apart from His power. Instead, a leader should begin the day with his/her […]
5 Do Not’s of Writing a Book
Because of the books we publish through B&H Publishing, part of the division I lead at LifeWay Christian Resources, I am asked fairly regularly about writing a book. So let me speak some truth about how to write your book. While some of this may sound cold, it is really truth in love as this […]
10 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Time
Several months ago we ran a blog survey seeking to understand those who read the blog on a regular basis and what would be helpful to them in future posts. Many people asked about managing schedules and getting the most out of time. It is wise to ask the question because desiring to steward time […]
5 Practical Ways to Drive Values Deeper
I recently met with all the managers and directors of the Resources Division at LifeWay, the division I am responsible to lead. We have nearly 650 employees in the division, and they all report to the leaders who were in that room. At the beginning of each calendar year, I remind our team of our […]
3 Coordination Killers that Can Kill Your Leadership
Ok, so the title may sound a bit hyperbolic. But it is not hyperbole at all; a lack of coordination can destroy a team’s effectiveness. A lack of coordination across multiple areas can greatly harm a leader’s credibility. I have thought about this a lot lately. Some background: I recently blogged about how execution suffers. […]
4 Ways to Fight Laziness in Ministry
If it is true, as some pastors have warned, that “ministry can be a great place to hide out and a great place to burn out,” then ministry attracts both the workaholic and the lazy. Because all of us are prone to idolatry, we are likely more prone to one expression of sin than the […]