You Love Ministry More Than God If…

Ministry is thrilling. Yes, there are deep and painful challenges, but we get to see the Lord change people’s lives. Ministry allows us to enjoy a front row seat to people grasping the gospel, to people being sent out on mission, and to the beauty of Christian community. Yes, there are plenty of people who […]

3 Misconceptions About Joining Church/Ministry Staff

Often godly marketplace leaders have wondered what a transition to some type of ministry role would look like. In the last decade I have had countless conversations with these leaders who have wondered what their lives would look like if they transitioned to a church staff or other ministry role. When I served as an […]

What Are You Really Saying When You Call Something a “Sacred Cow”?

If you have been serving on the staff of a local church, you have likely heard and even used the phrase “sacred cow.” This was the topic of a recent Five Leadership Questions podcast, where I joined Todd Adkins and Barnabas Piper to discuss how to navigate “sacred cows” in ministry. As we began, we […]

5 Truths About Great Ministry Leaders

Recently during annual reviews with my team, I asked each person who reports to me to offer me feedback through the lens of “start, stop doing, and keep doing.” What am I not doing that you would like me to start doing? What am I doing that you wish I would stop doing? And what […]

4 Ways to Fight Being a Ministry Workaholic

Work is a gift, and work ethic resides in men and women of character, but in our idolatry, we can easily make work our god. Pastors have warned me, “Ministry can be a great place to hide out and a great place to burn out.” Ministry can be a haven for the workaholic. In most […]

3 Common (yet Foolish) Excuses for Delaying Leadership Development

While leaders are responsible for future leadership, there is a constant temptation to delay developing others. If you are addicted to short-term results, it will be easy to delay developing others. After all, leadership development is deeply countercultural in an instant gratification culture. And while leaders intuitively know they are responsible to develop others, many […]

3 Ways Ministry Leaders Must Live as Stewards

stewardship generosity church

In his letter to Titus, the apostle Paul called the overseer “God’s administrator” or “God’s steward” (Titus 1:7). Ministry leaders are stewards, not owners, as Jesus owns His Church. Jesus promised to build His Church, not ours (Matt. 16:18). The financial resources the Lord blesses a church with are ultimately for Him. The ministry leader, […]

5 Business Books for Pastors

I am asked fairly often what leadership or business books I think pastors should read. I sometimes hesitate to answer because some ministry leaders should not read another leadership book. If your devotional life is weak, if you are not addicted to reading the Bible, or if you want to treat the church like just […]

3 Important Ways Ministry Leaders Care for People

Without love for people, ministry leaders are merely clanging cymbals, making noise without making an impact. People need to be loved, to receive care. The apostle Peter challenged pastors to willingly and freely shepherd God’s people (1 Peter 5:2). A loving shepherd is burdened to ensure the sheep are attended to and receive care and […]

Alignment and 3 Types of Staff Members

I recently wrote about the members of a church staff who make the biggest impact. Inevitably, among the staff members who make the biggest impact in their ministry areas and the church culture as a whole, there is deep alignment between the church’s mission and values and the staff member’s mission and values. Every healthy […]