Church Leaders Must Think Flock Strategy and Sheep Strategy
Over ten years ago, I worked closely with Thom Rainer and Ed Stetzer to evaluate the research behind Transformational Church—a book that came from a massive study across many churches where we sought to discover characteristics that God was using in the churches to bring about transformation in the lives of the people they served. […]
2 Things We Must Do Because the Bible Calls us Sheep
Our dog Roscoe sometimes wanders away from home, but thankfully he is smart enough to come back home or even smarter to go to Brian and Marianna’s home – friends of ours who live on the next street. Roscoe likely prefers their home to ours because when they watch him for sometimes, they feed him […]
3 Important Ways Ministry Leaders Care for People
Without love for people, ministry leaders are merely clanging cymbals, making noise without making an impact. People need to be loved, to receive care. The apostle Peter challenged pastors to willingly and freely shepherd God’s people (1 Peter 5:2). A loving shepherd is burdened to ensure the sheep are attended to and receive care and […]