In the research conducted for Transformational Discipleship, the issue of biblical engagement was a key attribute in discipleship. As believers grow in their faith, they should have a deeper longing to encounter biblical truth. When believers are willing to place their lives on a collision course with God’s Word, then transformation can occur. When faced with the statement, “I desire to please and honor Jesus in all that I do,” 90 percent of believers agree (64 percent strongly agree, and 26 percent agree somewhat). Because of the gospel, the growing believer responds with a deep gratitude resulting in an obedient life.
A majority of believers also agreed with the statement, “Throughout the day I find myself thinking about biblical truths” (59 percent either strongly or somewhat agreed strongly). Seeing life through the lens of Scripture and transformational discipleship go hand in hand. The study also looked into the actions that can positively impact a Christian’s maturity. The first two are simple: read and study the Bible. The most basic forms of engagement with God’s Word and His gospel stand out if we hope to see people move to the transformation sweet spot. The study also revealed that confessing sin to God, choosing to obey His Word no matter the personal cost, and reading other material that enhances our biblical knowledge are actions believers can take to mature.
Churches that constantly apply the gospel to people’s hearts will see the inner transformation only God can bring. These churches understand that the gospel is the motivation for all of the Christian life. Viewing discipleship through the lens of the gospel causes leaders to see the embedded connections between the gospel and maturity.