In the Jewish culture, the master would entrust specific responsibilities to his servant. The servant may be responsible for managing some aspect of the master’s business or administering a portion of the family land. The servant would be honored to manage the resources or possessions of the master.
Serving is management of God’s grace. The Scripture reads:
“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms” (1 Pet. 4:10 NIV, emphasis added).
Administering God’s grace?
Since we are God’s servants, He has entrusted us with His resources. We are His stewards, His managers, His administrators. Not only do we manage God’s finances, creation, and time; but we also manage His grace.
God has entrusted His grace to you for you to manage. When you serve, you administer God’s grace to other people. As you serve others, you dispense God’s love and compassion. You are the manager of God’s greatest resource—His grace. And you are responsible to administer it through serving.
So do not take serving God lightly. Faithfulness is essential.
Adapted from Identity (2008, B&H Publishing Group)