Because He is alive, we may live and live in freedom. In his classic work The Finished Work of Christ, Francis Schaeffer reminds us that we live as Christians only through Jesus. We live only through the power of the risen Lord.
The law is not enough to save us, and it is not enough to sustain us after we have been saved. Both before and after we become Christians we need the power of Christ through the agency of the Holy Spirit who lives within us… It is not enough merely to try in our own strength to keep the law… We can live the Christian life only through the power of Jesus Christ. We need the power of the resurrected Christ (Romans 7:4). He is not the dead Christ. He is the living, ascended, and glorified Christ, and it is only through His power that we can live the Christian life.
We celebrated His victory over sin and death yesterday. Let’s walk in His power today. The same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in us, in those of us who are His (Romans 8:11).