When my mom celebrated her 60th birthday last year, my sister-in-law compiled a book of letters for her. Below is the letter I wrote to my mom. I am reposting it here in honor of her as we approach Mother’s Day
Her sons rise up and call her blessed. Her husband also praises her: “Many women are capable, but you surpass them all!” Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the LORD will be praised. (Proverbs 31:28-30)
I rise and call you blessed because of your character. I honor you because of the significant impact you have made in my life. I praise you because of the lessons I learned from you (Please notice I didn’t use “learnings” as I would hate for you to feel the need to edit.)
From you I learned to love the Word. As I would rush up the stairs through my teenage years, I would often cast a glance to my left to see you sitting at your desk studying Scripture. Your commitment to the Word taught me even when I was hardened by rebellion. Every time I preach or teach a message from the sacred text, others feel your influence.
From you I learned to love my kids. I’ve always been deeply supported. From helping me study in elementary school to attending every single game to editing chapters and providing feedback in a loving way–I’ve always been encouraged and nurtured. I hope and pray my children feel the same support I’ve felt throughout my entire life.
From you I learned to love people. While I would often love to bury myself in my office for more hours than I should, I learned from you that people matter most. I learned to look people in the eye, to speak with love, use my home for hospitality, and to value people as God does. By God’s grace, I’ll continue to grow in this area.
From you I learned to enjoy God’s general grace to all humanity. I appreciate the awe you have for great food, cities, beautiful views, laughter, and good company. Your awareness of these distributions of grace has caused me to enjoy life more–and has helped me to sometimes spoil my family with them.
From you I’ve learned so much. You’ve taught me lessons that will carry me through the rest of my life and will be planted into my family. You’ve supported me and exhorted me through intense seasons of study and ministry. In my eyes, you’ll always be blessed and worthy of praise.