Read or Get Out of the Ministry

John Wesley told young ministers to “read or get out of the ministry.” Those are strong words, but Wesley believed reading was essential for development. Of Wesley, A.W. Tozer wrote, “He read science and history with a book propped against his saddle pommel as he rode from one engagement to another.” Oswald Sanders, in his […]

2 Thoughts on Multicultural Ministry

After the tragedy of September 11th struck New York City, the Beastie Boys (who lived there) wrote a song about their home called Open Letter to NYC. In the song you sense their appreciation for New York because it is a place where multiple cultures come together as one. You sense a belief that the […]

The NBA, Race, and the Church

The visceral reaction to the racism expressed by LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling is right and appropriate because Sterling’s comments were dehumanizing. Humanity, all of humanity, is the crowning work of God’s creation. God created, loves, and pursues the people He created—every single race and nationality included. One day, people from every tribe, tongue, and nation […]

3 Ways Student Ministry Drains You

I have essentially served in three roles over the last 20 years: student pastor, executive pastor, and now Vice President at LifeWay. In my role as executive pastor and as the leader of the Church Resources Division at LifeWay, I have interacted daily with student ministry leaders. In other words, student ministry has always been […]

Do Your Programs Justify Themselves?

A plethora of church programs is not an indicator of church health and vitality. A busy calendar does not equate with transformation. A long list of church programs “you must not miss” does not make a church more effective. In fact, the opposite is often true. Too many programs, too much activity, divides the energy […]

3 Small Ways to Initiate “Roving Leadership”

Last week, I blogged about two common hindrances to empowering others: insecure leaders and unhealthy expectations. Great leaders empower others. They practice entrusting responsibility and authority to others, to people Max Depree described as “roving leaders,” who transcend title and make great things happen. Instead of leading and executing everything, wise and biblically motivated leaders […]

Through the Risen Christ

Because He is alive, we may live and live in freedom. In his classic work The Finished Work of Christ, Francis Schaeffer reminds us that we live as Christians only through Jesus. We live only through the power of the risen Lord. The law is not enough to save us, and it is not enough to […]

2 Barriers to Empowering Leaders

As the leader you are not the most qualified person on your team for every decision, every initiative, or every aspect of the team’s collective work. There are others the Lord has placed on the team who are more uniquely gifted and prepared to lead specific functions. For example, the senior pastor may not be […]

2 Key Words for Pastors This Easter

As your Easter services are quickly approaching, I thought I would share a few thoughts for church leaders around two key words: assimilation and transformation. Though one does not necessarily lead to the other, they are both important. Assimilation As you encourage your church members to bring friends to church this weekend, think as much […]

Let the Word Dwell in You: Why It Matters

My friend, Toby Jennings, is guest-blogging today. Toby is the Managing Editor of LifeWay’s Explore the Bible, a book-by-book study for groups of all ages. Toby earned his PhD from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. You can access a free preview of the first month of Explore the Bible here. When asked by Roman Christians how God could […]