Gospel and the Poor
The apostle Paul reminded the Corinthian Christians of their status when Christ called them to Himself. Brothers, consider your calling: Not many are wise from a human perspective, not many powerful, not many of noble birth. Instead, God has chosen what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen what […]
Budgeting Blunders
As we move into October, many churches are in the midst of budgeting. There are some common budgeting blunders that plague many ministries, and these blunders are often associated with well-meaning individuals who unintentionally bring some bad budgeting practices to the table. Let me introduce you to Calculator Charlie, Sneaky Steve, and Sandbagging Sally. Calculator […]
Please, No More Travel Agents
There is a major difference between a travel agent and a tour guide. This difference is seen best in white-water rafting. There are plenty of rafting outfitters from which to choose along a white-water river trail. A travel agent will mail you brochures. A travel agent will suggest a few rafting outfitters and a river […]
Foundation for Service
The essence of Christian faith is not that we serve Christ but that He served us. In Matthew 20, the mother of James and John came to Jesus, requesting that her sons be allowed to sit at His side in the kingdom—one on His right, the other on His left. So Jesus turned and asked […]
Moving People Off the Team
Though the topic of this blog may be perceived by some as cold, I am posting this because leaders frequently ask me questions related to moving people off the team. Ministry leaders are responsible for the flock while also loving and caring for individual sheep. Tension arises when a ministry leader is confronted with a […]
Manage God’s Grace
In the Jewish culture, the master would entrust specific responsibilities to his servant. The servant may be responsible for managing some aspect of the master’s business or administering a portion of the family land. The servant would be honored to manage the resources or possessions of the master. Serving is management of God’s grace. The […]
Gospel and Serving
Jesus motivated His disciples to serve people by connecting His challenge for them to serve with the reality that He served them first. At the Last Supper, Jesus washed the feet of His disciples and said to them: So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one […]
When “Everyone Is Saying…”
Perhaps one day it will happen. Perhaps one day the statement “Everyone is saying…” will really mean everyone is saying. Perhaps one day the statement “A lot of people think…” will really mean a lot of people think. But so far, in nearly twenty years of ministry, “Everyone” has never been everyone. And “A lot […]
Four Ways to Continue the Simple Church Conversation
You should frequently discuss your simple process. Discussion will lead to understanding and ownership with the leaders. Consequently, the process will be planted deep into the culture of the church. Perhaps it is time for you to begin the ongoing conversation . . . to get things started. Pace yourself. This process will take some […]
The Illusion of a Strategy
The illusion of a strategy is worse than not having a strategy. For the person who wants to lose weight, the illusion of a diet/exercise plan is worse than not having one. Because when you don’t have one, you at least know you don’t have one. For the person attempting to save for retirement, the […]