3 Thoughts on the Differences Between “Being Biblical” and “Being Political”

Here is a frustrating reality for a pastor during a politically polarizing time: when speaking about a social issue, the pastor can be affirmed for being “biblical” by people who are politically passionate about that viewpoint and then be accused of being “political” by those same people when sharing something that is contrary to their […]
5 Things I Am Preaching to Myself While Preaching to a Camera

Last week I shared six things I am greatly missing from teaching in old-school physical gatherings among people I love who are singing to God and ready to hear a message from His Word. When preaching to a camera, it can easily feel like I am preaching to God’s people without being among God’s people. […]
6 Things I Am Deeply Missing While Preaching to a Camera Each Week

A few weeks into this madness, the global pandemic that has resulted in the unprecedented move to not provide physical worship gatherings at our church, Kenton Beshore called to check on me. Kenton is my predecessor, our pastor emeritus, and he still serves as teaching pastor for us. “How in the world are you not […]
How to Complain to God the Right Way

I was working on a message at home and Evie, my youngest, came and sat next to me and saw on the document “How to complain to God.” Her response was like many responses, “What! That’s crazy! Can you do that?” Though her complaints are not as weighty as the anguish among many in this […]
Responding as a White Pastor to Concerns From Whites About Saying Too Much on Race

What a crazy time to be a pastor! Before the horrific events of the last few weeks, there was already a myriad of memes poking fun at the misery of 2020. But in just the last few weeks pastors are making many decisions that are polarizing – from when and how to re-open the church […]
The Psalm that Has Challenged Me the Most in this Season

Early in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, Justin Taylor blogged about Psalm 131 and linked to Christian counselor David Powlison’s article in the Journal of Biblical Counseling. I was already scheduled to teach Psalm 131 so I devoured the article by Powlison and threw myself into the Psalm – which has been so good […]
Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, and God’s Heart for Justice

Several years ago, I was speaking at a church where I frequently spoke, among people I loved and who loved me, and during a sermon, I referenced that many in the body of Christ, our African American brothers and sisters, were hurting. And that when brothers and sisters in Christ are hurting, we should listen, […]
The Importance of Living and Leading with Two Emotions Simultaneously

How are you doing today? You could get two different answers depending on when you ask me. I can look at a difficult situation and, in some moments, aggressively quote Scripture at the situation – “If God is for me, who can be against me?” Bring it on. And then in other moments, I can […]
3 Thoughts for Church Leaders on the Increasing Struggles with Mental Health

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought significant disruption to community, structure, exercise, and meaningful work. Therefore, the pandemic is having a devastating impact on people’s mental health. People we love in our churches and in our communities are struggling. While we were rightly concerned about surges in Covid-19 cases, we should also be concerned about the […]
Covid-19 and a Pastor’s Concern for Our Mental Health

As a pastor I am deeply concerned for the rising struggle with mental health in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic. I recently sat down with two clinical psychologists, two Christians in the church I serve, Dr. John Townsend and Dr. Buddy Mendez, and they shared with me that “whatever level of stress, anxiety, or […]