3 Common Postures People Assume at Church

There are different postures we can take when we go to church. Yes, I know some will say, “We don’t go to church; we are the Church.” While I understand the sentiment that we want to be a people who live in Christian community and not merely check “church” off a list of things to […]
4 Questions to Ask Yourself (and Your Family) as You Use Technology

I can’t believe that Kaye and I now have two daughters in high school, which means we have two daughters with phones. Time has sure flown by—just like everyone said it would. It does not feel like nearly seven years ago when I first wrote about us waiting until our daughters turned 14 before we […]
Thinking About Technology as a Parent and Pastor

As a Christian, a parent, and a pastor, I know I need to think wisely about technology. I make lots of decisions personally, for my family, and for the church I pastor around technology—ranging from the use of social media in our home to how we approach ministry online as a church. I am not […]
6 Years and 6 of the Best Nuggets of Wisdom My Predecessor Has Given Me

It has been six years since I became the Senior Pastor of Mariners Church, following my predecessor (Kenton Beshore or “KB”) who served Mariners faithfully and with incredible skill for 35 years. KB is worthy of respect and honor, and I am very thankful for him. He is still on our team as one of […]
Message Prep and 3 Rhythms to Avoid the Agony of a Blank Page

I recently read Riding the Alligator: Strategies for a Career in Screenplay by Pen Densham who has written and produced Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, The Outer Limits, The Twilight Zone, and others. I have no intention of writing a screenplay, but I was curious to see the writing and creative process of someone who […]
The Blessing of Constraints

In the spring of 2019, I shared with the shepherding elders of our church that we were going to be launching one new congregation a year for the next five years. Our directional elders were already on board, we had resources set aside for the first launch, and we were in the process of building […]
Immaturity and Inconsistency Are Not Hypocrisy

We are frustrated with the hypocrisy of the politician who sets policies but does not live by them or the business leader who pushes for environmental restrictions while flying a private jet. But it is religious hypocrisy that is most damaging, because while God cares about politics and business, He ultimately created people for Himself […]
Successful Succession Requires More Than Great Leaders

“Why don’t you think the leadership transition worked at ___________ ?” It is a common question I am asked by ministry and marketplace leaders, and there have been dozens of churches and organizations in the blank. Typically, the person asking is sincerely perplexed why the transition of leadership or the planned succession has not worked […]
5 Expensive Personal Leadership Decisions That Are Worth More than the Cost

Many have said that you can tell what is most important to you by looking at your calendar and your checkbook. While most of us don’t write physical checks that often anymore, the principle is still true. We finance what is most important to us. We find a way to allocate resources towards what we […]
Four Common Ministry Errors That Leaders Make

You have likely observed two common and opposite errors in relation to physical fitness and health—neglect or obsession. Neglect often looks like minimal exercise, eating to relieve stress, and ignoring the neglect you know is occurring. Obsession often looks like being unable to enjoy a meal because you are so consumed with counting the macros, […]