Why It Is Unfair to Treat Everyone the Same
Should Phil Jackson (once head coach of the Chicago Bulls) have treated Michael Jordan (if you don’t know who he is, this illustration won’t make any sense) the same as the other players on the team? Some reasoned that Jordan should be treated like the other players; after all, “They are a team. Every player […]
Three Ways to Get the Most Out of a Leadership Book
Francis Bacon said, “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.” You may approach some leadership books with the intention of a quick browse, a read where you are merely keeping up to date with current thinking in your field or looking for some pithy […]
Leaders Must Create More Capacity, But How?
Wise leaders apply their best thinking to the most important things. This is, of course, easier said than done because of the sheer volume of things that leaders are asked or required to think about. Because we are finite and flawed, we have a limited amount of mental capacity. For a leader, there are always […]
Ministry Makes You More Holy or More Hypocritical
Ministry will make you more holy or more of a hypocrite. Ministering to others will drive you to the Word, to your knees in prayer, and to a holy dependence on God OR ministering to others will confront you with the opportunity to pretend to be someone you are not. Ministry will develop you or […]
Five Ways Leaders Can Get “Fresh Eyes”
There are a plethora of upsides to tenure. You learn the organization over time. You understand the context better and better. You build relationships with the team and the people you are serving. For the most part, tenure makes leaders more effective. But there is a major downside to tenure; leaders can lose their fresh […]
Five Thoughts on “Makers” and “Managers”
As we are considering what a new facility will look like at LifeWay, some of our leaders recently toured offices throughout Nashville to gain perspective and insight on structuring work environments. The good folks at Red Pepper (a marketing and advertising agency) were very gracious with their time and gave a few of us a […]
Two Key Communication Benefits From the “Buy-In Bullseye”
It is hard to overstate the importance of communication when unveiling a new initiative or introducing change. The communication of a change is as critical as the strategic thinking behind the change. The communication of a new initiative is often as important as the initiative itself. A leadership team may have an incredible strategy, but […]
Four Ways to Be a Less Bossy Boss
As I recently shared, some bosses are leaders, but not all of them. It is possible to be a boss and not be a leader, or be a leader without being a boss. A person may be in positional authority but not have influence, respect, or the ability to lead. And many people are able […]
Ten Differences Between a Boss and a Leader
Some bosses are leaders, but not all of them. It is possible to be a boss and not be a leader, or be a leader without being a boss. Someone may be in positional authority but not have influence, respect, or the ability to lead. And many people are able to lead and influence others […]
Three Warning Signs Your Life Is Drifting from Your Vision
Harvard business professor John Kotter has stated, “Behavior from important people that is inconsistent with the vision overwhelms other forms of communication.” If Kotter is right, and I believe he is, then a leader whose life does not match the vision being articulated nullifies the vision message, the website, the brochures, and the catchy slogans. […]