Three Ways Lateral Leadership Develops (and Proves) Your Leadership
When people speak, write, or think about leadership, they often are thinking about “downward leadership” and influencing people they oversee. “Upward leadership,” or effectively communicating to and fostering a great relationship with one’s leader, is just as critical and has crushed many talented leaders. Much more challenging than both “downward” and “upward” leadership is “self […]
Group Pastors: Both of These Can’t Be True
God uses community to mature and grow His people. Without the encouragement of others, sin hardens our hearts (Hebrews 3:13). As Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “Sin wants to have a man by himself.” Sin hates Christian community because true Christian community seeks the sanctification of its members. I believe in the power and necessity of Christian […]
Language, Literature, and Culture Formation
In his acclaimed work Built to Last, Jim Collins described the culture of “visionary companies.” Collins observed four common characteristics, admittedly cult-like, in the cultures: Fervently held ideology: All team members are expected to believe strongly in the company ideology. Indoctrination: The people are continually taught the essential beliefs and values of the company. Tightness […]
Five Leadership Books You May Not Have Read, But Should
Harry Truman said, “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” Reading is important for leaders, not only because of the content being read but also because reading teaches one to think, reason, and formulate thoughts. Popular leadership books can be very helpful, especially if they are popular because leaders have found them […]
Four Reasons You Need a Leadership Pipeline
To develop leaders on a broad scale, a leadership pipeline is important. A leadership pipeline aides in systematically and intentionally developing leaders. For example, Ram Charan, in The Leadership Pipeline, articulates six leadership passages along the journey of development, passages that leaders must experience to be fully developed: From managing self to managing others From […]
Four Warning Signs You’re Approaching Burnout
The pressure, responsibilities, and pace placed on leaders can be immense. If leaders don’t care for themselves, burnout is inevitable. Sadly, many leaders struggle with reading the signs that they are approaching burnout. Despite all the advice, books, and sessions calling leaders to care for themselves, many leaders struggle with slowing down. Many fail to […]
Twenty Great Leadership Quotes
Here are 20 of my favorite leadership quotes. Some are statements about leadership, and others, such as quotes about people or culture, directly impact leadership. These quotes have made their way into talks I have given, meetings I have led, or things I have written. What makes a great quote? For me, a great quote […]
Thick Skin, Tender Hearts, and Four Types of Leaders
Leaders are often applauded for and encouraged to develop “thick skin.” A leader with “thick skin” is not crushed by criticism nor destroyed by disappointing results. The pain, the criticism, the challenges seem to “roll-off” the leader’s skin without seeping into the leader’s heart. While a leader with “thin skin” is often paralyzed by challenges […]
Two Simple Ways to Reinforce Culture
Culture is powerful. Peter Drucker famously declared it more important than strategy when he said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Culture is the shared values among a group of people that drives their behavior. Every single organization has a culture; some are healthy and some are harmful. How do you identify the culture you are […]
Three Ways Leaders Must Communicate Vision
If you have not gotten tired of speaking about your team’s mission, the team does not yet know it. If you have not articulated the current vision over and over again, the team vaguely knows what is important. Most leaders fail to understand how long it takes for organizational direction to be understood and embraced. […]