How to (Re)gain Your Leader’s Trust

If you attempt great things, you will experience moments of failure and disappointment. You will make mistakes. Your plans will not always go as they were mapped out to go. Life will mess with your best plans. As Mike Tyson once said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” In some […]

Four Dangers of Only Looking at the Future

Last week, I blogged about three dangers of only looking at the present. Wise leaders lead and execute in the current day, learn from the past, and plan and prepare for the future. Leaders must be aware of three spheres of time; past, present, and future, and lead with a view of all three. Many […]

Discipleship and Mission: An Encouragement and a Caution

Charles Spurgeon said, “Every Christian is either a missionary or an impostor.” As disciples of Jesus, we are simultaneously sent to live on mission. Living on mission is part of what it means to be a disciple. Biblically, there is no such thing as a disciple who does not live on mission. As Christ was […]

Three Dangers of Only Looking at the Present

The present reality is a strong pull on leaders. When a leader wants to rise above the day and look to the future, the urgent can quickly pull a leader back to focusing on today. The problems and challenges of today threaten to stop leaders from looking to the future, and from learning from the […]

Five Ways to Critique Without Crushing

As a leader, you owe it to those you lead to offer them feedback. Without feedback, development is hampered, as people don’t know what actions to repeat and what actions to tweak. Giving encouragement and accolades is not something leaders dread, but offering feedback that could be perceived as critical is something many leaders struggle […]

Three Ways to Redirect the Spotlight

C.S. Lewis wrote that pride is the great sin that we see in others but fail to see in our own lives. Augustine wrote that “pride is the commencement of all sin,” that is, the sin that leads to every other sin. The Scripture reminds us that pride disgusts the Lord and precedes our downfall: […]

5 Questions on Creating an Organizational Culture

I recently sat down with Todd Adkins and Barnabas Piper to discuss leadership and reading for the “Five Questions Leadership Podcast.” You should check out the podcast, which has skyrocketed on iTunes, for some great content. Here are the five questions we discussed about organizational culture, with a few notes I jotted down after each […]

Getting Hired: 3 Lessons from My Wife

My wife, Kaye, is an awesome teacher. And I am not just saying that because she is my wife (objective evidence: she was “teacher of the year” when we lived in Cincinnati). She is super-encouraging, creative, and passionate about helping children learn and become who they were created to be. When we started having our […]

Amazon, Values, and the People of God

The recent New York Times article outlining the culture at Amazon created quite a stir, even prompting CEO Jeff Bezos to respond and declare the article to be inaccurate. The article read very similarly to the biography on Bezos and Amazon. In both the book and the article, the culture at Amazon is painted as […]

Four Idols That Kill Leadership Development

The fruit of a leader must be another leader as leaders are ultimately the ones responsible for the development of other leaders. From a Christian vantage point, the kingdom of God has multiplied as Christian leaders have developed and deployed others to make disciples and raise up new leaders. Leaders have been given the holy […]