Seven Practices of a Listening Leader

Wise leaders listen. As the Proverbs teach us, “Plans fail when there is no counsel, but with many advisers they succeed” (Proverbs 15:22). Earlier this week I shared four warning signs that indicate you may not be listening to your team. It is poor leadership not to listen to those on your team. They are closer […]

Four Warning Signs You Are Not Listening to Your Team

Wise leaders listen to the people they lead. They recognize they are finite in their knowledge and wisdom, don’t have all the answers, and benefit from the minds of those they serve alongside. It is foolish to not listen to those on your team. Not only do you lose the benefit of their collective wisdom […]

Five Signs It Is Time to Give Up with a Critic

Leaders will have critics. The author Elbert Hubbard quipped, “Do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing, and you’ll never be criticized.” And while feedback is different from criticism, both can be helpful. Feedback is different from criticism in that it seeks to correct and restore rather than embarrass and destroy. Nevertheless, the Lord can and […]

You Are Micromanaging IF…

Sometimes when one claims to be enduring micromanagement from a leader, the person is actually experiencing good leadership. A good leader understands the skill and experience of each person on the team and adjusts the approach accordingly. Sometimes, because the person is new or unproven, good leadership means being more involved, giving more direction. However, […]

Life in Community: Joining Together to Display the Gospel

Dustin Willis has planted, pastored, and now serves thousands of churches in his role at the North American Mission Board. Dustin co-authored Life on Mission and blogs regularly at Additionally, Dustin just released his new book, Life in Community: Joining Together to Display the Gospel. Dustin has a heart to see everyday people join together […]

Stop Saying You Are Being Micromanaged IF…

In many cases, what is called “micromanagement” is really a wise leader giving direction to someone who has shown they still need direction. According to Ken Blanchard’s famous “situational leadership” model, a person who has not proven to be competent in a specific skill should receive “directing leadership” from the leader. Not to give direction […]

Seven Signs Success Has Outgrown Your Character

Success has plagued many leaders. They experience the Lord’s blessing, see the fruits of their labor, and receive recognition. And many times, the success goes to their heads and hearts and pulls them away from utter dependence on the One who gave success in the first place. King Uzziah (2 Chronicles 26) is an example: […]

Three Reasons Leaders Must Constantly Ask “Why”

Wise leaders constantly ask “why.” Not because they find joy in questioning everything but because they want to ensure the thinking beneath the decisions is sound and the motivations beneath the actions are pure. Instead of mindlessly executing, they think deeply about what is beneath the execution. Instead of simply implementing, they care about the […]

Three Important Stats About Our Cultural Context

The end result of a church’s focus must not merely be a bigger or better church, but a transformed community. The end result of a church’s mission statement must not be the church itself, but a broader community impacted and changed. As we consider serving and impacting the world around us, it is wise to […]

Three Reasons Leaders Must Constantly Say “No”

Steve Jobs famously said, “I’m as proud of what we don’t do as I am of what we do.” He was ruthlessly focused as a leader. Many of us have a difficult time saying “no,” but leaders must do so for at least three reasons: Lost Focus With all the devices and all the technology, […]