“I Should Have Been Doing Most of What I Did as a Student Pastor”

I followed a living legend in Kenton Beshore when I became senior pastor of Mariners Church six months ago. I have enjoyed learning from Kenton and I look forward to learning more from him. He said something in a meeting the other day that resonated with me and challenged me. He was speaking about his […]

4 Thoughts on Mission, Church, and Technology

Every new technology provides an opportunity for gospel advancement. With the Gutenberg press, the Scripture became more accessible. With the advent of the microphone and sound system, regular preachers without booming George Whitefield voices were able to speak the good news of Jesus to more people. With radio, Christians such as C.S. Lewis were able […]

Bowling Alone, Church Alone?

Harvard professor Robert Putnam wrote Bowling Alone, which has been called a landmark book by many sociologists. Written nearly twenty years ago, it has proven to be prophetic. Putnam’s book was based on research about the deterioration of community in American culture. He researched lots of community organizations and networks but the title comes from […]

5 Reminders to Those of Us Preaching This Christmas

To say that I am excited to be preaching the Christmas services at Mariners Church this Christmas would be a massive understatement. I struggle to adequately express in words the honor and privilege I feel to be able to declare the Christmas story to people I love and to the friends they are bringing with […]

2 Reasons to Treat Your Best Staff like Volunteers

The most effective leaders can lead volunteers because their leadership is bigger than providing a paycheck and perks. The most effective leaders are transformational, not merely transactional. They offer a compelling mission not merely a job. They provide a sense of belonging not merely a list of benefits. Volunteers are led with something much deeper […]

Care for your Community; Don’t Merely Consume From It

In the summer of 2010, Kaye and I were on vacation in New York City and we attended services at Redeemer Presbyterian church. Before the sermon, a young man stood in front of the congregation and prayed to the Lord on behalf of the whole congregation. He prayed specifically for the city they lived in […]

The 4 Biggest Mistake Church Leaders Make with their Values

In 1992 the Dream Team played together in the Olympics and basketball fans went wild as Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Patrick Ewing, and others were on the SAME team! Previously only college players played on the Olympic teams, so when these players formed the Dream Team, it was complete domination. Twelve years later, […]

3 Characteristics of Childish Christians in Your Church

We should aspire for a childlike faith and abhor a childish one. A childlike faith is a faith that trusts and a faith that is in awe. A childish faith is a faith that, according to Andrew Murray, creates division, is unable to help others, and display gifts without grace. Because we grow over time […]

What John Stott Has Said About the Social Justice Debate

I am constantly living vicariously through the stories Kenton Beshore tells me about his time with John Stott. Kenton, my predecessor and the pastor emeritus at Mariners Church, was mentored by Stott. While I have Stott’s books on my shelves, Kenton has pictures of him and Stott together. While I quote Stott’s books, Kenton showed […]

4 Reasons You Should Consider Teaching or Volunteering in Kids Ministry

Last weekend I was not scheduled to teach in our adult services at Mariners Church so I volunteered to teach Sunday morning in our kid’s ministry. I am so thankful for those who serve in kid’s ministry each week. They make a massive impact on children and their families, and I wanted to be a […]