3 Reminders from Teaching Theology to Shepherding Elders

At Mariners Church, the church I serve as senior pastor, we have directional elders and shepherding elders. Directional elders set the overall direction of the church and shepherding elders provide care for people (directional elders also serve as shepherding elders). I am so grateful for these people and am honored to serve alongside them. I […]

3 Possible “Vanity Metrics” in Ministry

A “vanity metric” is a metric a leader or team focuses on that has no relation to organizational health. In fact, it can be a cover for a lack of health. Ministry leaders must be aware of the lure of vanity metrics. Metrics in ministry!? What!? Yes, some ministry leaders hold disdain for all metrics, […]

Research on Fandom, Small Groups, and 3 Implications for Church Leaders

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld has a funny bit where he pokes fun at us sport’s fans. He says that because players are constantly changing teams, we are not really loyal to players as much as we are loyal to the clothes the players are wearing. Sport’s fans are essentially rooting for laundry, that we are standing […]

Pastors: Shepherd and Lead “the Teacher in You”

Kenton Beshore (my predecessor and pastor emeritus at our church) and I meet every other week for lunch, and I always learn something. Recently Kenton shared some helpful insight about managing the multiple responsibilities of a senior pastor. They would likely apply to other roles too. I am paraphrasing, but he essentially said: “You are […]

4 Systems Church Leaders Should Care About

Some church leaders resist systems because systems can feel “unspiritual” or “corporate.” I have heard the critique for years. Yet church leaders who are critical of systems enjoy their systematic theology textbooks while blood flows through circulatory system and the sun is held in perfect distance from the earth in the solar system. In other […]

Church Leaders: 5 Items on the Top of Your List as 2019 Ends

For several reasons the last six weeks of the calendar year is an important time in local church ministry. The Christmas season gives a church many opportunities to serve the local community. The Christmas worship services are a time where people new to the faith or curious about the faith are willing to come if […]

3 Dangers in Only Teaching Commands and Virtues

There is something very attractive in teaching people commands (you must do this) and virtues (you must be this type of person). I see the attractive temptation in my own life. On my worst days I just want my kids to behave, and I don’t think much about why they are behaving. On my worst […]

3 Reasons Your Church Should Care for First Responders

Last Monday was national first responder day. The church where I serve as pastor devoted time in the weekend services, the Saturday and Sunday before, to honor first responders and pray for them and their families. The moment in the worship service was a weighty one as we reflected on the sacrifice and commitment of […]

3 Warning Signs You Could Love Your Title More Than Your Task

In his famous work, City of God, Augustine penned this challenge: No one can be a good bishop if he loves his title and not his task. It is entirely possible for a ministry leader to love title more than task. Because we can make idols of anything, we can certainly make our titles the […]

3 Huge Downsides to a Busy Church

Adrian Rogers was perhaps the first preacher to coin the phrase, “If Satan can’t make you bad, he will make you busy,” but many others have echoed the pithy statement. And for good reason. Pastors have seen the numbing effect of busyness on the people they serve. Busyness can harden our hearts as we work […]