3 Unique Leadership Challenges in Ministry to Men

Fire is an amazing thing, isn’t it? It can be incredibly helpful—warming your home, cooking your dinner, and when focused, can even cut through steel. Men are similar to fire. Men can either warm families, churches, and communities or they can burn them to the ground. That’s why every church must minister to men in […]

4 Ways to Work for a Boss You Don’t Like

Really fast disclaimer: I like my boss. A lot. I am really blessed not only to enjoy what I do but also to enjoy serving alongside whom I am accountable to. Work is so much more fun when you enjoy both what you are doing and whom you are serving alongside. I do get asked […]

5 Reasons Your Team Should Use Case Studies

Several years ago, the team I lead at LifeWay started using case studies to learn, adjust, and grow. The idea did not originate with the team or me. Plenty of others use this approach to learn and hone critical thinking skills. For example, Harvard famously uses a “case study approach” in their MBA programs. We […]

Are You Grateful? (Grading Your Gratitude)

Though you may not use the terms, you are familiar with “direct” and “inverse” relationships. In a “direct” relationship, when X rises, Y rises as well. For example, when the number of people visiting a city rises, so does the cost of hotel rooms. When the number of Alabama football victories increases, more bandwagon fans […]

How NOT to Find a Mentor

The origins of the word mentor come from Homer’s Odyssey. When Odysseus, the king of Ithaca, went off to war, he entrusted his son to Mentor. Mentor taught and oversaw the son—Telemachus. In the Scriptures, we see examples of older leaders pouring into younger leaders. Moses invested in Joshua. Jesus invested in His disciples. Paul […]

3 Reasons Execution May Be Suffering on Your Team

Peter Drucker quipped, “Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.” The hard work of execution requires more than just you, and even more than just your team.

3 Benefits of Trust [When Leading]

build trust on your team

Trust is a prerequisite for leadership. People long for their leaders to be trustworthy, to be men and women of integrity. Ultimately people will not follow leaders they do not trust. They may execute tasks for a paycheck, but they won’t follow with their hearts if trust is lacking. If trust grows, so does a […]