Our Hunger for Story

Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you’ve heard of the movie The Hunger Games. The movie is actually based on a book series that I’ve not read—probably because I am not a 13-year-old girl. I don’t want to ruin the movie for you, so I will stop where the trailer does, but the movie […]

Have You Tried the Roof?

One of my favorite stories in the gospels is the story of the four men who carry a paralyzed man to Jesus [Mark 2:1-12]. Imagine the details surrounding the narrative. Jesus is talking to a huge crowd crammed in and around Peter’s house. Hearing a loud noise on the roof, people begin to look up. […]

Righteous Frustration

In their now classic work, The Leadership Challenge, Kouzes and Posner wrote, “More than anything else, leadership is about creating a new way of life. Leaders must accept the responsibility for making change happen.” Leadership and change are inexorably related. When God raises a leader for a task, He often burdens that leader with righteous […]