The Practical Wisdom of Brother James on Addressing Our Anger

There is a gripping scene in the famous dystopian novel, 1984, written by George Orwell. There is a daily practice called “Two Minutes of Hate,” where people gather around screens, watching a video that causes them to be angry, have their rage stirred, and yell at the screen. The book 1984 was released in 1949 […]

4 Ways to Avoid Purge Night Online

The overarching storyline of the movie and subsequent television series “The Purge” is that government leaders believe if people are given one night a year to release their rage then life will be much better. The thinking by the “new founding fathers” is that repressing our rage is ruining us, and expressing our rage even […]

Anger, Atonement, and the Academy Awards

As this year’s (2018) Academy Awards began, people were still talking about the moment during last year’s Academy Awards when Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty presented the Oscar for Best Picture to the wrong cast. The moment, known as Envelopegate or the most shocking moment in Oscar history, was perhaps best captured in this photograph […]

5 Ways to Display Self-Control

Below is a guest blog from Chip Henderson. Chip serves as senior pastor of Pinelake Church in Brandon, Mississippi. The Lord has done and is doing a great work at Pinelake. Chip is also the author of two LifeWay studies, Samson and Pressure Points (studies from James). Both are great for groups and classes. Samson’s […]

Righteous Frustration

In their now classic work, The Leadership Challenge, Kouzes and Posner wrote, “More than anything else, leadership is about creating a new way of life. Leaders must accept the responsibility for making change happen.” Leadership and change are inexorably related. When God raises a leader for a task, He often burdens that leader with righteous frustration. There […]