5 More Reasons I Am Hopeful for the Church in 2023

Jesus promised, “I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overpower it” (Matthew 16:18). Jesus did not assure us He would build our churches or that we could help Him build His Church. He is the One who builds His Church. Because Jesus will keep His people, will push the gates […]

5 Reasons I Am Hopeful for the Church in 2023

A few months ago, I stood in Caesarea Philippi in front of a cave where historians believe a spring once flowed. During Jesus’ day, the spring was known as flowing from the underworld and the cave as the “gates of Hades.” The false god Pan was worshipped in the area, infants were once sacrificed there, […]

Jesus (not 2021) Is the Dawn From on High

Post-Christmas blues are a reality every year, but I imagine that they could be especially high this year. So many people are talking about the excitement of 2020 ending, and longing for the newness of a fresh start on the calendar. While I understand the longing and the hoping and the hunger for a new […]

Leadership in a Crisis: Defining Reality AND Giving Hope

Napoleon is credited with the leadership wisdom of: “The role of the leader is to define reality and give hope.” This is especially true in a crisis – which is where leaders are most needed. The reality is that most organizations have gotten to a place of maturity that they can operate daily and even […]

Grieving, but With Hope

The church I serve as pastor gathers together in the same community where Kobe Bryant and his family live. Many have “their Kobe story,” such as the time they ran into him at Starbucks and he was kind and approachable or how they enjoyed seeing him just be a “Dad” at a local kid’s event. […]

Two Options for the New Year: Optimism or Hope

The following is by Doug Hankins. Doug is the Teaching Pastor at LifePoint Church, an American church historian, and an author of Dawson Trotman: In His Own Words. Doug holds a PhD From Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.  He blogs at doughankins.com. One of the most important tasks for any leader during a new season of […]

2 Leadership Imperatives in a Difficult Season

You will lead through a challenging and difficult season. You are a leader in your context precisely because there are challenging seasons in your ministry or organization. In some sense, leaders are not really necessary if there are not challenges and difficult seasons. Leaders are both developed and revealed in the trials of a difficult […]