4 Questions to Ask Yourself (and Your Family) as You Use Technology

I can’t believe that Kaye and I now have two daughters in high school, which means we have two daughters with phones. Time has sure flown by—just like everyone said it would. It does not feel like nearly seven years ago when I first wrote about us waiting until our daughters turned 14 before we […]

10 Proverbs for Consuming and Contributing on Social Media

When I moved to my role as vice-president of LifeWay, my boss Thom Rainer encouraged me to use a blog and social media to connect with church leaders. It was the fall of 2011. I signed up for Twitter a month later. Several years later I signed up for Instagram. Though I was not an […]

Why Are We Already Bored with the Internet?

“Sometimes I feel like I’ve seen everything there is to see on the Internet.” “Over time you get used to the feeling of scrolling and viewing people’s pics and posts and stories, and that makes you feel bored after a while.” “I was just refreshing my personal Instagram account over and over like, I’m so […]