Reformation Day and the 3 Theses That Impact Me the Most

Tonight (October 31st, 2019) I will be dressed up as Tin Man with my wife and kids as we hang out with friends and neighbors for a neighborhood block party. We are going as characters from the Wizard of Oz – mainly because we have a dog now and the kids are excited to bring […]

God’s Desire for One-Percenters

When I was in high school I so badly wanted to be tall. We had a couple guys on our high school basketball team that were 6’5” or taller, and I envied them. They could dunk easily. They were more imposing defensively than me. I asked God to make me taller and He did not. […]

10 Commandments for College Students

I have been thinking a lot about college ministry the last few weeks as we are launching a new college ministry at our church and as we will be seeing and serving more college students this fall. As this new college year begins for tons of Christians, here are the 10 commandments for college students; […]

Doing God’s Will > Discovering God’s Will

We can get so caught up in discovering God’s will, but the emphasis in the Scripture is doing His will. Jesus declared that His food was “to do the will” of the One who sent Him (John 4:34). Waking up each day with the intent to “do” His will is far more liberating and satisfying […]

College Freshmen: Don’t Forget These 3 Things

It is that time of year! Fall marks a brand new beginning for over 2 million college freshmen. They graduated high school just a few months ago and are now entering college. Increased levels of freedom and responsibility mark the change. I remember how massive the change was. For example: compared to the previous year, […]

Momentary Multi-Millionaires and Joy in God’s Grace

I still remember when I thought my family became instantly rich. I was in elementary school, and I was walking back into the house after retrieving the mail. I peered through the window of a large envelope and read a congratulatory note to my father for receiving millions of dollars. I had never heard of […]

Two Recent Meals and Hungering for Righteousness

I recently spent a few days in San Francisco with Evie, our youngest daughter. Because I was a few weeks away from teaching through the Beatitudes and Jesus’ message that “happy are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled,” I noticed meals through the lens of His words. One morning […]

Why You Should Stare at the Ocean This Summer

Kaye pokes fun of me for the number of sunset pictures and beach picture I take on vacation. And if it is a sunset on a beach, then watch out! The sound of the waves, the feeling of sand beneath your feet, the smell of fresh salty air, the way to sun reflects off the […]

7 Signs We Are Not Spiritually Hungry

We all hunger for something, at all times. Whether for position, for influence, for affluence, for possessions, for a relationship, or for righteousness – we are hungry for something. Jesus said that only those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled. In Jesus’ Kingdom, the only way to be satisfied is to be […]

Nicodemus and the Samaritan Woman: Will You Serve Both?

Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman: Will you serve both? If you had to choose, which one do you find easier or more enjoyable to love and serve? We tend to be more passionate about serving some people over others. Even for those of us on staff at a church, those of us with the title […]