Quit Asking God to Join Your Side

One of the most famous stories in the Bible is the story of God bringing down the walls of Jericho and giving the city to His people, just as He promised He would. I have heard people teach the story in a way that sounds like we can get God to tear down the walls […]

How Being a Father Helps You Know the Father

In the Geiger house there is a moment on Father’s Day that is one of my favorite moments each year. Kaye started the tradition ten years ago when she gave me the “Daddy book,” a book each daughter gives me and adds to each year. They add pictures, list their favorite memories from the year, […]

5 Warning Signs of Moral Failure

Moral failure. For as long as I can remember people have used that term to succinctly describe a disqualifying behavior in a leader’s life, often some type of sexual sin. The leader has failed to live up to the expected morals and integrity of a leader and has lost the moral authority and credibility to […]

The Best “Going Off to College” Counsel I Have Heard

The summer before going off to college was, for me, filled with great hope and expectation. A fresh start, an opportunity to prove I could handle the responsibility, the chance to choose courses I wanted to study, make new friends, and look to have an impact on the world around me. All of that was […]

Why Are We Already Bored with the Internet?

“Sometimes I feel like I’ve seen everything there is to see on the Internet.” “Over time you get used to the feeling of scrolling and viewing people’s pics and posts and stories, and that makes you feel bored after a while.” “I was just refreshing my personal Instagram account over and over like, I’m so […]

If You Are Not Faithful With Little…

Jesus taught “Whoever is faithful in very little is also faithful in much, and whoever is unrighteous in very little is also unrighteous in much” (Luke 16:10). The context of the passage is being generous with our Master’s money, but the principle can be applied to other areas of our lives as well. Here is how this […]

The Rise of Comic Superheroes and Our Longing for One

An unprecedented 20 superhero movies are expected to come to movie theaters between 2018 and 2020. Superhero movies are on the rise and people rave about the heroes in Black Panther, Avengers, and Spider-Man. Where does our longing for superheroes come from? The ABC News story, “Superheroes, Why Are We Obsessed?” declared we need superheroes […]

4 Ways Leaders Can Construct Their Lives for the Long Haul

The headline of The Ringer article successfully grabbed my attention: “LeBron James’s Life Is Constructed to Keep Him on the Court.” And the details in the article from the podcast are fascinating, such as the statement that LeBron invests 1.5M a year in his body. He has replicated the team gym at his home, has […]

3 Warning Signs You Are Responding with Pride to a Leader’s Fall

People love to watch great and mighty buildings fall. We find it fascinating that a structure that took years to build can come down in a few seconds. Some arrive hours early for a scheduled implosion to get a good view of the devastating seconds when the building topples inward. Those who love to watch […]

How Should We Respond When a Leader Implodes?

I was at lunch with a friend recently, processing the news of another fallen leader. While perhaps we are only more aware of the number of leaders falling because of our constant connectedness via social media and online news, it sure feels like an epidemic at times. Regardless of whether or not the reality of […]