Four Ways to Attack a Sense of Entitlement
Zappos is routinely recognized as an incredible place to work. They take leadership development seriously, are clear on their values and protective of them—even offering people money to leave if they do not fit the culture, and they give very generous perks. Yet even Zappos struggles with employees displaying a sense of entitlement. Despite free […]
Five Ways Leaders Lose Credibility
In The Leadership Challenge, researchers and authors, Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner claim that the most important leadership characteristic is credibility. Based on extensive research over two decades, they write that “more than anything, we want leaders who are credible. People must be able to believe in their leaders.” Without credibility a “leader” won’t be […]
You’re Not a Leader If You Never Say You’re Sorry
You are not a good leader if you never tell people you are sorry. There are a myriad of issues in the heart of a leader who never apologizes. If you never apologize, at least one of the following is also true: You reveal you think you are infallible. If you never apologize, if you […]
4 Words Leaders Must Say on a Regular Basis
Leaders are always communicating, even when they are not talking. But what words must a leader say on a regular basis? Here are four words leaders must use, not merely every now and then but continually. Over and over again. 1. Why Wise leaders constantly ask “why” and continually communicate the “why.” Wise leaders communicate […]
The 10 Commandments of Christian Leadership Development
When it comes to developing as a leader…specifically as a Christian leader, here are ten imperatives for development. Though not an exhaustive or infallible list, these challenges will help develop you as a leader. Follow first. Follow Jesus above all. Jesus is the One who transforms our character. If your love for Him grows cold, […]
Increasing Humility
A clear indication of maturing in Christ is increasing humility. The closer we draw to Him the more we see our need for Him, because the closer we draw to Him the more we grasp His holiness and our sinfulness. Notice the progression of increasing humility in the apostle Paul’s life. For I am the […]
3 Characteristics of People Leaders Should Listen To
Several years ago I found myself in a conversation with a political consultant who has run national campaigns for candidates seeking election. We were on a flight, and he asked about my profession. I tried to explain “executive pastor” to him, and after a few more questions he concluded, “Sounds kind of like a chief […]
Leadership Requires More Than Self-Awareness
A wise and effective leader possesses more than self-awareness; he also has a keen awareness of the team. More than a sense of his/her unique gifting, he/she has a sense of the people on the team, their gifts and potential. Team-awareness enables the leader to leverage the gifts of the team, to hand over responsibility […]
When Should Leaders Change Their Minds?
The following is a guest post by Dr. Jeff Iorg. Jeff Iorg is president of Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of several books, including Seasons of a Leader’s Life, The Painful Side of Leadership, and Unscripted. Iorg, and his wife Ann have three children and live in Mill Valley, Calif. His hobbies include […]
15 Tips for Successful Leadership
The following is a guest post by Faith Whatley. Faith serves on our team in the Church Resources Division at LifeWay and is the director of adult ministry. She is an incredible leader and it is an honor to serve churches alongside her. While some of her articles on our leadership channel are directed to women […]