Four Ways to Express Love to the People You Lead

Gary Chapman’s book The Five Love Languages has been a helpful resource to many couples. He challenges spouses to learn each other’s love language—how one most feels loved, pursued, and valued—whether through time, words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts, or touch. When Kaye, my wife, jokingly insists that she has all five languages, I […]
A Challenge to Young Leaders

Earlier this week I pointed out that there are fewer leaders who meet the typical “leadership profile” for positions such as senior pastor. From a practical and purely demographic vantage point, there are fewer people in Generation X than the preceding Boomer generation, so there are currently less available leaders in the often sought-after 35-50 […]
Balancing Love and Honesty as a Leader of Leaders

The following is a blog post by Ed Stetzer. Ed is the Executive Director of LifeWay Research and he blogs daily at Christianity Today. This blog post originally appeared on the LifeWay Church Leaders blog. People often say, “If you love someone you should just be honest with them.” While there is truth there, it is […]
Are Christians Worse Than Others at Relationships?

In the later part of 2014, LifeWay Research conducted a poll of an ethnically and religiously diverse sampling of Americans. The research gauged each participant’s perspective on his or her relationships through a series of questions. The responses from Evangelical Christians polled during the survey were surprising. Evangelicals were 14-21% more likely to strongly agree […]
Pete Carroll and the Pain of Leadership

During the fourth quarter of the Super Bowl, some were speculating if Pete Carroll should be considered one of the greatest coaches of all time. He won multiple championships coaching at USC and was on his way to winning his second straight Super Bowl, a feat many deem almost impossible in the days of free […]
Don’t Love a Good Thing Less

My heart, and yours, has a tendency to love other things more than God. We have a proclivity to cherish the blessings, the good things He gives, more than Him. To fight this, we sometimes decide to abandon the good things altogether. When confronted with our idolatry, we can convince ourselves we should love a […]
Lead Your Church to Love Your City

The following is a guest post from David Lopez. J. David Lopez is the husband of Adriana, father of Dave and Isabella, follower of Jesus, and campus pastor of Christ Fellowship Downtown Miami. Within a half hour of the writing of this article, I noticed some pretty graphic extremes. On one end, I heard about […]
Dating Your Spouse

Steve and Debbie Wilson have been in ministry for over 30 years and now lead a ministry of marriage and family counseling and teaching. After being married for 12 years they realized that ministry had overtaken their lives and they’d “lost each other.” At that point they went on a mission to reconnect and in […]